Book Sale · Spinward Fringe · The Library

2024 Spinward Fringe Catch-Up Sale!

With the release of Samurai Squadron III: Spinward Fringe Broadcast 20 coming on May 21, it’s the perfect time for a catch-up sale. Until the release date, all of my books will be 50% off on my own online bookstore when you use the code: SAMURAI3SALE and at Smashwords if you use this code at checkout: US89F

If you’re wondering which shop to use, I would prefer you use my bookstore instead of pretty much any other place, but please use whatever option you find more convenient. Sadly, the sale doesn’t apply to print books, but the whole range of ebooks are available through my library. My store also has audiobooks.

I’ve been fortunate to write full-time for nearly seventeen years now, and am proud of the catalogue of work that’s come from it. I find that it’s only fitting that the idea of this sale came up when I was talking to a reader who couldn’t afford all of my books, even though they’re already quite cheap. Even priced under $5.00 USD, it can get expensive if you’re reading a few books a week, or want to collect them all. I’m a reader too, only many of the ebooks I pick up are priced over $12.99 US, so my book budget runs out more often than I like.

Behind the Scenes · Patreon · Spinward Fringe · The Library

Samurai Squadron II: Spinward Fringe Broadcast 19 Is Rolling Out!

You can download Samurai Squadron II: Spinward Fringe Broadcast 19 now. If you’re a member of the $7.00 or higher Patreon Tier, you can get it for free here. Otherwise, you can buy it directly from my store here. The novel will begin rolling out to other retailers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Smashwords and others on November 7, 2023.

I was surprised to find that very little needed to be changed after the serialized version of this book was converted to a full-featured ebook. That, and the help you provided by pointing out typos and a few other things helped get Samurai Squadron II into shape early. There was also a proofreader in the shadows who added a final touch. I’ll be forever grateful for all the help I received on polishing this up.

Middle books can become nightmarishly draggy in trilogies, but I really enjoyed writing this one. Remmy’s adventure along with the continuation of the Triton’s journey made this a pleasure to write. Minh-Chu was still the main character for roughly half the book, and I found myself wanting to go back to him more as the story went on.

This, even more than Broadcast 18, fits the vision I’ve wanted to realize for the main Spinward Fringe series. I feel that I accomplished something with Vollis and Remmy (that I can’t talk about more), and that they’ve come to their own temporary resting points by the end of the novel. I won’t go into more details, because I don’t want to spoil anything.

I hope you enjoy Samurai Squadron II: Spinward Fringe Broadcast 19, I enjoyed writing it.

Patreons on the Here Come The Books Tier can find the book here along with all the other ebooks that are part of the rewards at that level. 

You can also buy the book directly here.

Samurai Squadron II will start rolling out on Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Smashwords and other retailers on November 7.

The Library

Big January Sale In The Bookstore

Hey everyone! There’s a specific purpose for this sale, unlike most. I can’t tell you exactly what that is, because I’m raising funds for a project that I can’t work on alone. Instead of starting a Kickstarter or other crowdfunding campaign, I’d like to use my existing store to pay for this so you can get something out of your contribution right away. Well, a little slower if you order something that I have to sign and ship.

What is this project?
Well, like I said I can’t get into specifics, but it involves illustrations and may involve audio production if I gather a large enough pile of coins.

When will it come out?
There is no release date set yet, but some of the imagery and other parts of the project will surface soon if things go well with raising funds.

Does this involve Spinward Fringe?
It is only about Spinward Fringe. I can’t say more.

I wish I could tell you more about this side project but the scope and duration of it is completely dependent on the funding. I can’t afford to cover the costs out of pocket since this involves hiring other people to finish different parts of it. They’re all collaborators who are known to me and they do great work, so I don’t need more people right now, just the funds to make sure everyone gets paid fairly for their efforts.

Here are the links and codes you’ll need.

For Digital Products like eBooks use this code at checkout: Januaryebook50

For Printed Books use this code at checkout: Januaryprint30
(Sorry, the discount does not apply to shipping costs)

Here’s the link to my store:

The sale ends on January 31, 2023. Thank you very much for your support.