Audiobook · Behind the Scenes · Spinward Fringe

Rogue: Assembly Will Be Out On December 14!

Like the headline says, Rogue’s first book, set in the Spinward Fringe Universe, will be out on all major ebook sellers on December 14th. A release in print will follow on Amazon shortly after. Most of the book is already available in the Ream Library if you’re subscribed at any level other than free. (Ream is like Patreon, only it’s designed for writers and their readers).

It’s available in print now from Amazon.

You can preorder the ebook on most of the sites linked below.

Ream Stories (Read most of the serialized verion of the book now!)
Apple Books
Barnes & Noble (Nook)
Google Play
Google Play Audiobook
Rakuten Kobo (eBook and Audiobook)

Now, more about the book. This was originally a way for me to tell stories about gunslingers in space. As I considered what I wanted to write about in the Spinward Fringe Universe but hadn’t yet, a very long list of things and stories along with locations and events started to form. I considered my main character, Rogue, and what might challenge her, give her a chance to succeed, fail, and grow. After that I looked back at the list and picked a few things to start with, planting my main character in New Zero, a city with as much potential as Rogue.

Before I knew it I was writing from her perspective, inviting you in using her voice and enjoying the adventure. For people new to the Spinward Fringe Universe, Rogue is a character with a pragmatic origin.

During a tricky situation Alice Valent, a soldier who was trying to save her allies, created a decoy using an android. It had to be perfectly convincing and powerful enough to carry out an important mission so she was built using the most advanced technology on hand. They copied Alice’s consciousness into the machine and sent it off as part of a hostage trade.

It worked, but while the android decoy was on its mission, something awakened, adding a unique factor to Alice’s consciousness. Rogue was born. Alice let her leave so she could begin a life of her own after the mission was complete.

This is where Rogue starts walking along a path that will challenge her, introduce her to new friends, locations, and characters that range from the familiar to new. Searching for a solution to a new problem, she has to return to civilization after spending time in the wastelands of Tabrus, a world in the midst of a new boom time. Bounty hunters, cyborgs, new friends and an old acquaintance from Alice’s life await in New Zero, an expansive city that promises refuge as well as danger.

There’s a fair dose of comedy in this adventure too because it fit really well along with the fast paced adventure at the core of the novel. The book is shorter than regular Spinward Fringe novels (and cheaper!), because they’re written like feature films or double episodes of an hour long television series. Regardless of length, there’s a very firm beginning, middle and ending that is satisfying on its own.

I don’t actually know if this will become a series, but I plan on repeating that pattern if it does. Whether or not there are more of these will be up to you, and I’ve planned ahead just in case there’s a demand. I may write another one or two either way, because working on this was so much fun. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

And now for a bonus. While I was writing this short novel (it’s about 63,000 words), a friend of mine, Patrick D Emond who is a talented composer, released a fantastic track called Migration. I must have listened to it dozens of times while writing sections of this book, so give it a listen. Youtube Link

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